Friday, April 07, 2006

5:33 or 7:08

I alternate.

For about a month, I woke up at 7:08, every god-fearing morning. 7:08 happens to be 1 minute before my alarm goes off. It also boils down to the number 6 in numerology, which can be a positive nurturing thing, or negatively, bitter and jealous. It also refers to the Hexameron.

5:33 is a more recent occurrence. And for about the last two weeks I have alternated between awaking at 5:33 or 7:08 a.m. In numerology this is the number 2, and it has to do with relationships, and is the opposite of unity, the number 1, which is the perfect number, I think.

They add together to 8 which is a pretty heavy duty number. It has to do with Karma. I'm not going to expound on Karma at this time, but if any of you are familiar and believe in it... well... you can fill in the gaps for yourself.

I do find it interesting in how these numbers, 6, 2, and 8, relate to actual events in my life and what I feel I need to learn at this point. But what is really intriguing to me is not just the fact that I can find something in my life to correspond with these numbers and their explanations (I suppose most or all of us could find something, coincidence or not) but in how they are layered. I noticed 7:08 first, so I take it's meaning first, followed by 5:33 (I have a special fondness for 33, not sure why, like how some people are haunted by 11:11, which I also have been lately, maybe I should factor that into my calculations... note to self... ) and then the sum of the two and it's meaning. In my life, the Karmic implications of these two numbers is very apparent. Interestingly enough, 8 also corresponds to Capricorn, which is my sign. I know I'm not explaining any details of my life at this point, you'll just have to take my word for it on the meanings. But quite literally, the first number begets the second, and the third number encompasses both of those. For me.

I should confess I know nothing about numerology, and any numerologist that comes across this blog is welcome to correct any fallacies I have presented.

What is peculiar though, isn't my pretentious fascination with a bunch of numbers that I see every morning upon waking. It's that, even with the recent Daylight Savings Time shift, I am *still* waking up at those two times. I'm not coming awake at a certain point in the day, I am coming awake corresponding to numbers on a clock, which, when you get right down to it, is pretty arbitrary. My internal body clock immediately shifted itself by one hour to match DST, a clock, not the earth or the rotation of the Heavens.

What the fuck is with that?

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