Thursday, December 07, 2006

The circles of Hell...

I just remembered this.

I had a dream the other night.

Long time readers are sighing to themselves. Crap, not another blog about his damn dreams they say.

Well, as Kevin reminded me today, and as Dirty Harry used to say... "Cool it, hammerhead!" to which I'd like to add my new founded word 'hurtlock.'

So to you whiny recounted-dream-blog haters out there, I say, "Cool it, you hammerheads, or I'll put you in a hurtlock !!!"

Now that I've threatened you all with physical violence to stifle your moans of pain and anguish...

All I can really recall from the dream is... there were two snakes. Yeah, it's a snake dream. But these thing were strange. They were very short, two feet long at the most. Well, that's not that short by snake standards, but these things had a diameter of about 4 inches. Imagine a two foot snake with a body as thick around as your fist. Strange, I told you. Now add to that the head. It was not a snake head. I don't really know what it was. More like a rodent or something. And the teeth! These teeth were not snake teeth, they were not fangs. More like a mouth full of razor sharp teeth, much like a shark, or a piranha. And their bodies were colored bone white, and I think their eyes were white or bluish, and they weren't reptile or cat's eyes, the pupils were round more like a human's eye. Trust me, these things were fully creepy, unnatural, as something spawned from the sixth dimension...

So, yeah, these two snakes were bent on doing some kind of harm, a kind of evil. Pretty standard. And since it was my dream, I was the central reluctant hero. All very usual. I remember one I grabbed below it's head, and with a knife I had (it was some kind of serrated pocket knife, not really long enough for this kind of physical combat, but you make do with what you have at hand in dire circumstances...), I severed it's head from it's body. The blood was red, and sort of thick, not thick like human blood, but kind of gluey, like it was some kind of automobile lubricant. And there wasn't enough of it, the thing just didn't have enough blood in it's body compared to it's size, as if it simply didn't need the blood to run it's biological mechanism.

The second one I got ahold of, I had the intention of doing him in the same as his twin. I went to work on what would be the neck, but this one, perhaps because of my overconfidence due to my previous success, was quite a bit more difficult. Where the first put up little resistance due to losing his head in a rapid manner, the second writhed about violently, and was extremely difficult to hold with only one hand, especially considering I could barely get one hand around it's thick, squirming body. The knife didn't go cleanly through in one go, and he made a violent thrashing. I had to try several more times to finally do him in, resorting to sawing at the neck with the short knife. I never was able to cut through the body completely, but I finished the job nonetheless. It was like sawing through some kind of thick, ropey leather.

The exciting part of all of this, was my fearful resignation to the whole event. Certainly, an encounter of this type is rather unsettling, considering the violence, and adding to that the otherworldly creatures attacking me. It is interesting to me how little, or almost no panic I felt, as if I was operating on some kind of auto pilot, some other voice or force guiding my actions. "Grab the neck" and I did, "Sever the head" and I did. It was not a matter of fear, reluctance, or furry. No emotion can I clearly recall. There was a part, far back in my mind that was thoroughly freaked out at how entirely bizarre the whole thing was, but the front of my mind was operating like a robot performing a function without a passion of any kind.

I suppose the striking points in the dream are these personal observations. I don't have any kind of usual clever twist ending to this blog, I was mostly entranced by the funky and spooky monsters, and the strange, vacant way I dispatched them.

I guess I found myself almost as otherworldly as the monsters themselves...

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