Sunday, August 06, 2006


I wrote the following about a month ago, but it seemed preachy and a bit... I don't know. Heavy handed? Idealist? Reactionary? There's another word I can't think of right now that fits a bit better. So I didn't post it. I have many blogs that sort of stew around in the nest and never really take flight and this was one of them. Maybe I had intended to write more, as this was really just the raw thought at the time...

At any rate, I had a conversation recently that brought this back into my mind. The event I'm writing about here happened in Chinatown in San Fransisco. The "event" consists of nothing more than me walking down the sidewalk and past a shop selling all kinds of stuff I can't even remember....


I don't usually go into this sort of crap, I feel that we all have to find our own way and that experience is the greatest teacher and all that, but one has to wonder, after all the horrors in the world for millenia, what *have* we learned?

I was walking by a shop down the city street, and on the sidewalk was a bin of toys. One of the toys was a plastic machine gun. And although I played with toy guns as a child myself, seeing this made me sad.

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