Somebody close to my family died recently. I've known him since I was a child. This is really sad. Apparently his airbag didn't function. His passenger came out fine. Obviously he did not. I feel very bad for his mother. She lost her son and her mate very close together, and, I didn't know this actually, but her daughter isn't very friendly towards the family. Too bad.
My blogs are getting more personal lately. That seems weird to me.
So one of the things that popped into my mind today, thinking about him, was, he had a brand new Macintosh. About twenty years ago. It was a Macintosh Plus I think, or something similar. It's a little box with a screen on it and a floppy disk hole in the front. It was a pretty amazing machine back in the day. It was one of the early ones that had a graphical interface so you didn't have to do typey shit on it. When it started up it had a face on the screen that was a happy face if I remember correctly. Probably not, because my memory seems pretty faulty these days, but somebody out there knows the truth. So this thing sat there looking like a happy little box head. And it had a mouse. That was pretty cutting edge also I suppose. I was pretty young then so I didn't really know much about these things, but everyone gathered around to see this thing. I don't know what it was used for. Or what it could do, if anything.
But the funny thing, what I really recall about it, is when he dragged the disk icon onto the trash icon in order to eject the disk, the machine made a barfing noise when the disk came out. I thought that was just about the damn funniest thing in the whole wide world. I made him put that disk in and have the machine barf it back out over and over again. It was the coolest toy.
The mind of a child is truly wonderful. That's the impression he left on me. He made me happy, and he made me laugh. Not too shabby.
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